Stemcelldoc's Weblog

September 28, 2010

Cervical Facet Syndrome: A Pain in the Neck

Injury or inflammation of the cervical facet can led to neck, shoulder and headache pain.

The cervical facet is a  joint in the posterior aspect of the cervical spine. It functions to provide stability and guide motion.

Cervical facet pain is common in patients who have sustained a whiplash injury, trauma to the neck or undergone cervical fusion. Physical examination is typically significant for restriction in range of motion along with pain.  Each joint has a distinct referral pattern illustrated below.


The Centeno-Schultz Clinic are experts at diagnosing and treating cervical facet dysfunction.  Injury to the joint is not commonly detected by conventional radiographic studies.  A thoough understanding of the mechanism of injury is essential.

Successful treatments include intra-articular facet injections, prolotherapy and burning of the nerves which give sensation to the affected cervical facet (radiofrequency ablation).

January 11, 2009

Back Pain Relief

Back pain relief starts with making an accurate diagnosis.  At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic we are committed to identifying the source or “generator”  of one’s back pain so that the appropriate treatments can be applied.

There are many sources of back pain but the major 4 are muscular, facet, sacroillac joint and lumbar disc.

The facet is an  cartilaginous joint in the spine and according to Dreyfuss is  responsible for 15-40% of chronic lower back pain.


If you have fact joint problems, back pain relief is obtained by injecting the joint with local anesthetic and very low dose steroids.  If back pain relief is only temporary long term back pain relief can be obtained from facet joint radiofrequency (cauterizing  the nerves that provide sensation to the facet joint) or injection of stem cells into the joint.  Regenexx affords the patient the ability to inject their own stem cells into the joint to regenerate the damaged cartilage and provide long lasting relief.

back pain.back pain relief.Centeno-Schultz Clinic.chronic back pain.facet joint radiofrequency.lumbar facet.sacroillac joint pain.stem cell therapy.stemcell therapy for facet syndrome