Stemcelldoc's Weblog

July 29, 2012

Exercise: A Key to Stem Cell Health

This last week in Grand Cayman we have performed a number of  Regenexx C procedures where culture expanded bone marrow derived stem cells are injected for the treatment of knee meniscus injuries and loss of cartilage in the knee, hip and ankle.  This is different from the Regenexx SD procedure that does not utilize culture expansion.  At the Centeno-Schutz Clinic in Colorado, Regenexx SD, AD and platelet therapies are provided as non surgical treatment options for common orthopedic conditions.

Caymanians and tourist alike engage in a number of water activities.  Deep water running and walking is quite popular.  Deep water exercises have signficant cardiovascular benefits which have been summarized.  This form of exercise also reduces the force exerted on a given joint.

Exercise along with diet is key in optimizing stem cell health.  Here are 10 steps to improve your stem cell health.