Stemcelldoc's Weblog

August 28, 2009

An Aspirin a Day Keeps the Stem Cells Away

All too often medicines have harmful side-effects.  Vioxx and Bextra,  previously common  NSAID’s, were taken off the market because of serious side-effects.  Medicines can have harmful effects on patient cardiovascular, pulmonary and GI system.

Can medicines have an effect of stem cell production?

Deng et al,  demonstrated that aspirin inhibits stem cell growth.

Regenerative Sciences understands the importance of medication on mesenchymal stem cell production.  Patients that undergo the Regenexx procedure for orthopedic applications are counseled about the impact that specific medications have on stem cell production.  One of the many medications which is restricted is aspirin.

August 14, 2009

Training Camp for Stem Cells


When teams from sea level play our Broncos they come early so as to acclimate.  Denver is the mile high city.

Travlers headed to Machu Picchu stop at Cusco to acclimate.peru-machu-picchu

So to with stem cells.  Degenerative joints, knees and lumbar discs are tough environments.  They have poor blood flow, low oxygen content and limited nutrients. 

Stem cells need to be prepared for such a task:  pre-conditioning is essential for maximal results.

Rosova et. al. demonstrated that when mesenchymal stem cells are pre-conditioned in low oxygen environments their tissue regenerative potential is improved.

Regenexx  employs this technique to ensure the best clinical results in patients who are undergoing autologous mesenchymal stem cell therapy for orthopedic conditions.

August 12, 2009

Enthesopathy: Fire in the Joint

fireTendons are fibrous connective tissue that attach a muscle to bone.

Ligaments attach bone to bone.

Inflammation of tendons and ligaments at their point of attachment onto bone are referred to as enthesopathies.  These can be very painful and lead to changes in gait and posture.

Common examples include golfer’s elbow and jumper’s knee.Pat_Tendonitis

Therapy is directed at reducing the increased tension in the affected muscle and decreasing the inflammation at the site of attachment of the tendon.  Unfortunately, all too often steroids are injected which may provide temporary relief but can weaken the ligament.  Repeat injections can lead to rupture.

At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic, enthesopathies are treated prolotherapy to strengthen the ligament.  Many patients who undergo stem cell therapy have enthesopathies which have contributed to their orthopedic conditions.  A complete and thorough evaluation and examination is our standard.

regenexx.mesenchymalstemcell.stemcelltherapy.kneecartilagetherapy.Centeno-Schultz Clinic.

August 11, 2009

Let It Grow: The Role of VEGF


 watering can

Everyone knows that a seed will not grow without sufficient nutrients and water.

So to with stem cells when implanted in an area that is low or deficient in nutrients.  Blood flow is the key to cellular growth.  No blood flow, no growth.

Lumbar discs have poor blood supply.  One of the growth factors derived from platelets has been utilized to enhance blood flow to lumbar disc and the stem cells which have been implanted in them.  The growth factor is VEGF :Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor.  It has the capacity to create new blood vessels (angiogensis) thereby enhancing nutrient flow.

A case series of patients who underwent implantation of autologous mesenchymal stem cells into the symptomic disc had injections of concentrated VEGF.  66% of patients had a significant reduction in pain.  The before and after stem cell therapy MRI’s clearly demonstrate a reduction in the size of the disc protrusions.

Case series 2Regenexx.Regeness.MSC.

August 9, 2009

Results of Stem Cell Therapy Presented at National Meeting

A case series outlining the results of patients who underwent stem cell therapy for symptomic lumbar disc protrusions was recently represented at the National American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians. The abstract is #8. Patients utilized their own stem cells which were expanded and then re-injected into the painful disc. A majority of the patients had a significant reduction in their symptoms as well as changes on MRI.

Case series 2

The Regenexx procedure affords patients an alternative to the risks of surgery and anesthesia. In contrast to conventional surgery, there is no significant down time or need for extensive rehabilitation.