Stemcelldoc's Weblog

April 1, 2012

Stem Cell Success in Ballet Dancer with Ankle Instability

Ankle instability can mean the end of a career or passion.

Micro motion in the ankle can led to additional injuries and accelerate the degenerative process as discussed in Ortho 2.0.

Stem cell treatments are an alternative to ankle surgery.  CK is a case in point.

CK is active equestrian and ballet dancer who sustained a severe ankle sprain who presented to the Centeno-Schultz with a 4 month history of ankle instability and pain. Her  symptoms were progressive in  nature , exclusively located over the lateral aspect of the ankle and refractory to conservative care.  MRI was signficant for complete rupture of the anterior talofibular ligament and Grade 2 sprain of the calcaeofibular ligament.

The importance of the anterior talofibular and calcaneal fibular ligament has been discussed in a prior blog.

CK underwent ultrasound  guided injections of both prolotherapy and  Regenexx PL and SCP with significant improvement.  Initial MRI of ankle noted a complete rupture of ATF whereas followup studies demonstrated  a thick and wavy ATF ligament.  Pre and post MRI images will be posted at a later time.    Most importantly CK avoided a surgery and is back to her passions: dancing and riding.   Congratulations!!

December 30, 2011

Low Back Pain: Cluneal Nerve Entrapment

At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic we acknowledge that low back pain can arise from the lumbar facets, intervertebral disc and the sacroiliac joint.

An overlooked cause of low back pain is entrapment of the superior cluneal nerve.

The cluneal nerve is compromised of the posterior rami of L1, L2 and L3 and provides sensation to the upper buttocks.

Three distributions of the cutaneous branches of the nerve exist.   Lu et al described the anatomical relationship of the superior cluneal nerve to the posterior iliac crest.  The medial branch of the superior cluneal nerve is confined within a tunnel consisting of fascia and the superior rim of the iliac crest.    The location is 7-8 cm lateral to the spinous process on the iliac crest.  It is lateral and superior to the posterior superior iliac spine.

The nerve can be entrapped between the fascia and the iliac crest causing pain and restriction in motion.  This is similar to carpal tunnel syndrome where the fascia constricts the median nerve.

Case reports  have documented the entrapment of the superior cluneal nerve as a cause of unilateral back and buttock pain.  Patients who have undergone iliac crest bone grafts for lumbar fusions are at risk for entrapment.  Stem cell therapy is an alternative to spinal surgery and fusions.

The Centeno-Schultz Clinic is committed to establishing an accurate diagnosis so effective treatment can be started and you can return to your passions.


December 15, 2010

Stem Cell Therapy Enables Jarvis Green to Sign Contract

                                                                  Today after completing a full NFL practice and physical examination by team physicians, Jarvis Green signed with the Houston Texans.

Jarvis is a two-time Superbowl defensvie lineme champion who played for the patriots from 2002-2009.  Plagued with knee pain after failed lateral meniscus knee surgery, he elected to use the Regenexx procedure which allowed him to use his own mesenchymal stem cells.  Jarvis underwent  Regenexx-C therapy in July 2010 immediately prior to Bronco training camp.  Unfortunately, he was cut at the end of training camp.

Jarvis recently underwent additional therapy at the Centeno-Schultz Clinic which dramatically improved in knee pain.  He underwent Regenexx SD, and Regenexx PL which made the critical difference. His performance today was without any limiations.

We are tremendously proud of Jarvis and his return to his passion. 

What a wonderful holiday gift and blessing!